
Follow the installation guide to successfully install the script.



  • Copy the images from images folder and paste it to your inventory location.

  • Copy the items below and paste it to your qb-core/shared/items.lua.

  • Copy the doorlocks below, create a new file in qb-doorlock/configs as warehouse.lua and paste it there.

  • Install the warehouse by the link for the warehouse map and drop it to your stream folder.


-- Lx Warehouse
['w_accesscard'] 			 	= {['name'] = 'w_accesscard', 			  	['label'] = 'Warehouse Access Card', 	['weight'] = 0, 		['type'] = 'item', 		['image'] = 'w_accesscard.png', 		['unique'] = false, 	['useable'] = true, 	['shouldClose'] = true,	   ['combinable'] = nil,   ['description'] = 'An access card... I wonder what it goes to.'},
['w_heistusb'] 			 		= {['name'] = 'w_heistusb', 			  	['label'] = 'Warehouse Usb', 		['weight'] = 0, 		['type'] = 'item', 		['image'] = 'w_heistusb.png', 			['unique'] = false, 	['useable'] = true, 	['shouldClose'] = true,	   ['combinable'] = nil,   ['description'] = 'A heist usb... What could it be?'},
['w_documents'] 			 	= {['name'] = 'w_documents', 			  	['label'] = 'Warehouse Documents', 	['weight'] = 0, 		['type'] = 'item', 		['image'] = 'w_documents.png', 			['unique'] = false, 	['useable'] = true, 	['shouldClose'] = true,	   ['combinable'] = nil,   ['description'] = 'Documents, hmm.. Some secrets must be in it.'},


Config.DoorList['warehouse1'] = {
    doorRate = 1.0,
    doorType = 'garage',
    cantUnlock = true,
    objName = -2076929163,
    doorLabel = 'w_first',
    objYaw = 0.0010702600702643,
    distance = 3.0,
    objCoords = vec3(943.369568, -1489.476074, 31.172506),
    locked = true,
    fixText = false,

Config.DoorList['warehouse2'] = {
    doorRate = 1.0,
    doorType = 'garage',
    cantUnlock = true,
    objName = -2076929163,
    doorLabel = 'w_second',
    objYaw = 0.0010702600702643,
    distance = 3,
    objCoords = vec3(935.929077, -1489.476196, 31.161369),
    locked = true,
    fixText = false,

Config.DoorList['warehouse3'] = {
    doorRate = 1.0,
    doorType = 'door',
    cantUnlock = true,
    objName = 1052098579,
    doorLabel = 'w_third',
    objYaw = 0.0010702600702643,
    distance = 3,
    objCoords = vec3(939.027100, -1489.573120, 30.241999),
    locked = true,
    fixText = false,

Last updated