Config File

Here is the page for the config file of Warehouse Robbery script.

Config = {
    Target = 'qb-target', -- 'qb-target', 'ox-target', 'qtarget'
    DebugPoly = false,

    MinPolice = 0,
    HeistCooldown = 60, -- As minutes -- By ped
    HeistStartMoney = 50000, -- Money the ped asks for it to start heist // Changeable. Both money and bank works. Only numbers.
    ItemForPed = 'w_documents', -- Items to give it to ped
    Message = 'qb-phone', -- How would you like to receive the message? 'qb-phone' or 'chat'
    Command = '', -- Chat message, do it only if the message system is chat.
    HeistPed = { -- All of the below is target options <<< !!!!!! Change only if you know what you are doing !!!!!! >>> 
            model = 'cs_movpremmale',
            coords = vector3(-1124.7, -549.89, 31.48),
            heading = 302.19,
            gender = "male",
            scenario = 'WORLD_HUMAN_STAND_IMPATIENT',
    } ,

    Dispatch = '', -- Usage: 'ps-dispatch', 'cd_dispatch'. If it is empty it will use the default qb-policejob alert system.
    Cooldown = 60, -- As minutes - For hacking

    StartHackItem = 'screwdriverset', -- Item that start to heist with
    StartHackItemAmount = 1, -- Amount to get it from ped

    MinigameTime = 10, -- Time (seconds)
    MinigameGrid = 5, -- Grid size
    MinigameBlocks = 3, -- Incorrect blocks

    DoorName = 'warehouse1', -- First door name 
    DoorName2 = 'warehouse2', -- Second door name 
    DoorName3 = 'warehouse3', -- Third door name

    LootablePedModels = {
        'mp_s_m_armoured_01', --  Ped models, it should be same with the inside of Config.Guards peds. <<< !!!!!! Change only if you know what you are doing !!!!!! >>>
    LootPedItem = 'w_accesscard', -- What should be the item name when you loot peds?
    LootPedAmount = 1, -- How many items should the player receive on loot and needed for the laptop
    LootChance = 30, -- between 1 and 100 

    HackComputerItem = 'w_heistusb', -- Item for hacking computers
    HackComputerItemAmount = 1, -- How much item should be removed?

    Minigame2Blocks = 2, -- Number of Blocks
    Minigame2Time = 3, -- Time (seconds)

    HackLocation = vector3(928.58, -1479.81, 30.02), 

    Crates = {
        [1] = {
            pos = vector3(945.28, -1476.16, 30.1), -- Lootable items position
            length = 2.5,
            width = 2.0, 
            heading = 0, 
            isLooted = false, -- MUST BE false, DO NOT EVER CHANGE IT
            lootType = 'crate', -- Which type of the loot? 'crate', 'search', 'case'
            type = 'items', -- Which type of reward? 'items' or 'money'
            reward = { 
                [1] = {name = 'goldchain', amount = math.random(5, 6)}, -- Rewards should be added like this if they are items, otherwise check line 58.
                [2] = {name = 'rolex', amount = math.random(7, 8)},
        [2] = {
            pos = vector3(945.28, -1476.14, 31.5),
            length = 2.5,
            width = 2.0, 
            heading = 0, 
            isLooted = false, 
            lootType = 'crate', 
            type = 'money',
            reward = {
                [1] = {account = 'cash', amount = math.random(20000, 35000)}
        [3] = {
            pos = vector3(945.26, -1473.27, 30.1),
            length = 2.5,
            width = 2.0, 
            heading = 0, 
            isLooted = false, 
            lootType = 'crate', 
            type = 'items', 
            reward = {
                [1] = {name = 'weed_brick', amount = 5},
        [4] = {
            pos = vector3(945.2, -1473.28, 31.5),
            length = 2.5,
            width = 2.0, 
            heading = 0, 
            isLooted = false, 
            lootType = 'crate', 
            type = 'items', 
            reward = {
                [1] = {name = 'bandage', amount = 10}, 
        [5] = {
            pos = vector3(945.05, -1470.51, 30.1),
            length = 2.5,
            width = 2.0, 
            heading = 0, 
            isLooted = false, 
            lootType = 'crate', 
            type = 'items', 
            reward = {
                [1] = {name = 'weapon_stickybomb', amount = 5},
                [2] = {name = 'weapon_proxmine', amount = 5},
        [6] = {
            pos = vector3(945.05, -1470.51, 31.5),
            length = 2.5,
            width = 2.0, 
            heading = 0, 
            isLooted = false, 
            lootType = 'crate', 
            type = 'items', 
            reward = {
                [1] = {name = 'weapon_combatmg', amount = 5}, 
        [7] = {
            pos = vector3(944.99, -1466.52, 30.1),
            length = 2.5,
            width = 2.0, 
            heading = 0, 
            isLooted = false, 
            lootType = 'crate', 
            type = 'items', 
            reward = {
                [1] = {name = 'weapon_smg', amount = 5}, 
        [8] = {
            pos = vector3(936.48, -1466.63, 30.1),
            length = 2.5,
            width = 2.0, 
            heading = 0, 
            isLooted = false, 
            lootType = 'crate',  
            type = 'items', 
            reward = {
                [1] = {name = 'rifle_ammo', amount = 25}, 
                [2] = {name = 'smg_ammo', amount = 25},
                [3] = {name = 'mg_ammo', amount = 25},
        [9] = {
            pos = vector3(934.45, -1460.3, 33.61),
            length = 2.5,
            width = 2.0, 
            heading = 0, 
            isLooted = false,
            lootType = 'case', 
            type = 'money',
            reward = {
                [1] = {account = 'cash', amount = math.random(5000, 10000)}, 
        [10] = { 
            pos = vector3(948.51, -1471.2, 30.4),
            length = 2.5,
            width = 2.0, 
            heading = 0, 
            isLooted = false,
            lootType = 'search', 
            type = 'items',
            reward = {
                [1] = {name = 'w_heistusb', amount = math.random(1, 3)}, 

    Guards = {
        [1] = {
            pos = vector4(943.42, -1478.92, 30.1, 181.35), -- guards position
            ped = 'mp_s_m_armoured_01', -- guards model name
            weapon = 'WEAPON_CARBINERIFLE_MK2', -- guards weapon
            health = 2000, -- guards health
            range = 2, -- guards range
            accuracy = 100, -- guards accuracy
            aggresiveness = 3, -- guards aggresiveness - 0 stand / 1 defensive / 2 offensive / 3 ultra offensive 
            alertness = 3, -- guards alertness 3 is the highest one - values from 0 to 3.
            armor = 100, -- guards armor 
        [2] = {
            pos = vector4(931.47, -1483.5, 30.4, 247.62), -- guards position
            ped = 'mp_s_m_armoured_01', -- guards model name
            weapon = 'WEAPON_CARBINERIFLE_MK2', -- guards weapon
            health = 2000, -- guards health
            range = 2, -- guards range
            accuracy = 100, -- guards accuracy
            aggresiveness = 3, -- guards aggresiveness - 0 stand / 1 defensive / 2 offensive / 3 ultra offensive 
            alertness = 3, -- guards alertness 3 is the highest one - values from 0 to 3.
            armor = 100, -- guards armor 
        [3] = {
            pos = vector4(933.87, -1475.43, 30.1, 204.06), -- guards position
            ped = 'mp_s_m_armoured_01', -- guards model name
            weapon = 'WEAPON_CARBINERIFLE_MK2', -- guards weapon
            health = 2000, -- guards health
            range = 2, -- guards range
            accuracy = 100, -- guards accuracy
            aggresiveness = 3, -- guards aggresiveness - 0 stand / 1 defensive / 2 offensive / 3 ultra offensive 
            alertness = 3, -- guards alertness 3 is the highest one - values from 0 to 3.
            armor = 100, -- guards armor 
        [4] = {
            pos = vector4(937.77, -1463.64, 30.4, 183.56), -- guards position
            ped = 'mp_s_m_armoured_01', -- guards model name
            weapon = 'WEAPON_CARBINERIFLE_MK2', -- guards weapon
            health = 2000, -- guards health
            range = 2, -- guards range
            accuracy = 100, -- guards accuracy
            aggresiveness = 3, -- guards aggresiveness - 0 stand / 1 defensive / 2 offensive / 3 ultra offensive 
            alertness = 3, -- guards alertness 3 is the highest one - values from 0 to 3.
            armor = 100, -- guards armor 
        [5] = {
            pos = vector4(935.06, -1465.49, 33.61, 202.25), -- guards position
            ped = 'mp_s_m_armoured_01', -- guards model name
            weapon = 'WEAPON_CARBINERIFLE_MK2', -- guards weapon
            health = 2000, -- guards health
            range = 2, -- guards range
            accuracy = 100, -- guards accuracy
            aggresiveness = 3, -- guards aggresiveness - 0 stand / 1 defensive / 2 offensive / 3 ultra offensive 
            alertness = 3, -- guards alertness 3 is the highest one - values from 0 to 3.
            armor = 100, -- guards armor 
            isLooted = false, -- DO NOT TOUCH IT
        [6] = {
            pos = vector4(944.17, -1466.98, 33.61, 170.59), -- guards position
            ped = 'mp_s_m_armoured_01', -- guards model name
            weapon = 'WEAPON_CARBINERIFLE_MK2', -- guards weapon
            health = 2000, -- guards health
            range = 2, -- guards range
            accuracy = 100, -- guards accuracy
            aggresiveness = 3, -- guards aggresiveness - 0 stand / 1 defensive / 2 offensive / 3 ultra offensive 
            alertness = 3, -- guards alertness 3 is the highest one - values from 0 to 3.
            armor = 100, -- guards armor 
        [6] = {
            pos = vector4(931.18, -1460.38, 33.61, 177.89), -- guards position
            ped = 'mp_s_m_armoured_01', -- guards model name
            weapon = 'WEAPON_CARBINERIFLE_MK2', -- guards weapon
            health = 2000, -- guards health
            range = 2, -- guards range
            accuracy = 100, -- guards accuracy
            aggresiveness = 3, -- guards aggresiveness - 0 stand / 1 defensive / 2 offensive / 3 ultra offensive 
            alertness = 3, -- guards alertness 3 is the highest one - values from 0 to 3.
            armor = 100, -- guards armor 
        [7] = {
            pos = vector4(946.08, -1461.47, 30.4, 165.74), -- guards position
            ped = 'mp_s_m_armoured_01', -- guards model name
            weapon = 'WEAPON_CARBINERIFLE_MK2', -- guards weapon
            health = 2000, -- guards health
            range = 2, -- guards range
            accuracy = 100, -- guards accuracy
            aggresiveness = 3, -- guards aggresiveness - 0 stand / 1 defensive / 2 offensive / 3 ultra offensive 
            alertness = 3, -- guards alertness 3 is the highest one - values from 0 to 3.
            armor = 100, -- guards armor 
        [8] = {
            pos = vector4(944.82, -1461.65, 33.61, 112.77), -- guards position
            ped = 'mp_s_m_armoured_01', -- guards model name
            weapon = 'WEAPON_CARBINERIFLE_MK2', -- guards weapon
            health = 2000, -- guards health
            range = 2, -- guards range
            accuracy = 100, -- guards accuracy
            aggresiveness = 3, -- guards aggresiveness - 0 stand / 1 defensive / 2 offensive / 3 ultra offensive 
            alertness = 3, -- guards alertness 3 is the highest one - values from 0 to 3.
            armor = 100, -- guards armor 
        [9] = {
            pos = vector4(948.57, -1466.99, 33.61, 168.96), -- guards position
            ped = 'mp_s_m_armoured_01', -- guards model name
            weapon = 'WEAPON_CARBINERIFLE_MK2', -- guards weapon
            health = 2000, -- guards health
            range = 2, -- guards range
            accuracy = 100, -- guards accuracy
            aggresiveness = 3, -- guards aggresiveness - 0 stand / 1 defensive / 2 offensive / 3 ultra offensive 
            alertness = 3, -- guards alertness 3 is the highest one - values from 0 to 3.
            armor = 100, -- guards armor 

    Computers = {
        [1] = {
            pos = vector3(941.04, -1465.81, 33.61),
            isHacked = false,
            item = 'w_documents',
            chance = 100, -- between 0 and 100
            amount = 1
        [2] = {
            pos = vector3(943.27, -1465.75, 33.61),
            isHacked = false,
            item = 'w_documents',
            chance = 100,
            amount = 1
        [3] = {
            pos = vector3(945.56, -1465.88, 33.61),
            isHacked = false,
            item = 'w_documents',
            chance = 100,
            amount = 1
        [4] = {
            pos = vector3(947.71, -1465.85, 33.61),
            isHacked = false,
            item = 'w_documents',
            chance = 100,
            amount = 1
        [5] = {
            pos = vector3(940.96, -1464.74, 33.61),
            isHacked = false,
            item = 'w_documents',
            chance = 100,
            amount = 1
        [6] = {
            pos = vector3(943.24, -1464.78, 33.61),
            isHacked = false,
            item = 'w_documents',
            chance = 100,
            amount = 1
        [7] = {
            pos = vector3(945.45, -1464.77, 33.61),
            isHacked = false,
            item = 'w_documents',
            chance = 100,
            amount = 1
        [8] = {
            pos = vector3(947.72, -1464.74, 33.61),
            isHacked = false,
            item = 'w_documents',
            chance = 100,
            amount = 1

    Progressbar = {
        ['tablet'] = {
            duration = 5000,
            useWhileDead = false,
            canCancel = true,
            disableMovement = true,
	    	disableCarMovement = true,
	    	disableMouse = false,
	    	disableCombat = true,
            animDict = 'amb@code_human_in_bus_passenger_idles@female@tablet@base',
	    	anim = 'base',
	    	flags = 16,
        ['crate'] = {
            duration = 5000,
            useWhileDead = false,
            canCancel = true,
            disableMovement = true,
	    	disableCarMovement = true,
	    	disableMouse = false,
	    	disableCombat = true,
            animDict = "anim@heists@ornate_bank@grab_cash_heels",
	    	anim = "grab",
	    	flags = 16,
        ['search'] = {
            duration = 5000,
            useWhileDead = false,
            canCancel = true,
            disableMovement = true,
	    	disableCarMovement = true,
	    	disableMouse = false,
	    	disableCombat = true,
            animDict = 'missexile3',
	    	anim = 'ex03_dingy_search_case_base_michael',
	    	flags = 49,
        ['case'] = {
            duration = 5000,
            useWhileDead = false,
            canCancel = true,
            disableMovement = true,
	    	disableCarMovement = true,
	    	disableMouse = false,
	    	disableCombat = true,
            animDict = 'mini@safe_cracking',
	    	anim = 'door_open_succeed_stand',
	    	flags = 16, 
        ['guards'] = {
            duration = 5000,
            useWhileDead = false,
            canCancel = true,
            disableMovement = true,
	    	disableCarMovement = true,
	    	disableMouse = false,
	    	disableCombat = true,
            animDict = 'missexile3',
	    	anim = 'ex03_dingy_search_case_base_michael',
	    	flags = 49,
        ['computers'] = {
            duration = 5000,
            useWhileDead = false,
            canCancel = true,
            disableMovement = true,
	    	disableCarMovement = true,
	    	disableMouse = false,
	    	disableCombat = true,
            animDict = 'anim@heists@prison_heiststation@cop_reactions',
	    	anim = 'cop_b_idle',
	    	flags = 16,

Last updated